An: Das Goethe Institut, die Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung, Frau Susanne Stemmler, Farbeon Saucedo und das Hip Hop Reeducation Project, Katie Wilson und CUNYPREP, Mark Naison und Frau Elvira Berndt die dieses Projekt wie keine andere am Leben hält. Danke für eure Unterstützung und den glauben an die BronxBerlinConnection denn hier finden kulturelle Begegnungen statt die Leben ändern.......
Smoking drain pipes and/or yellow cab´s young people have seen in dozens of movies. Perfect strangers who start talking to you in the subway, telling you their life stories only to, should there ever be another encounter, not even recognize you next time. Dozens of homeless people who are preparing to lay down for the night on 18th street between 5th and 6th avenue while couples stroll by on shopping spree´s. The diversity of all those people mingeling in this tight space called NYC. The history of the city and its people, especially its young people. The incredible talent which leaves tourists stunned about all of the things street artist are able to do in the subway while natives yawn and don´t even watch anymore. And the dozens of hustles in a city that truly never sleeps. In this fourth visit to NYC young people from Berlin have simply experienced and learned many new things. In workshops, while performing together, during discusssions and sometimes just by watching and/or listening. And so i do not want to close this blog post without expressing my deep gratitude to those institutions and individuals who have literally kept this project alive.
To: The Goethe Institut, the Kreuzberger Childrens Foundation, Mrs. Susanne Stemmler, Farbeon Saucedo and the Hip Hop ReEducation Project, Katie Wilson and CUNYPREP, Mark Naison and Mrs Elvira Berndt who has been keeping this thing going like noone else. Thanks for believing in the BronxBerlinConnection because this plattform makes cultural exchange possible and changes lifes in the process.......
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